News and events
Contact for information and submission of a paper: cfp.IALLJ@gmail.com
IALLJ Warsaw Roundtable, 26 June 2023
Along the LLRN6-Conference (Labour Law Research Network), held in Warsaw, Poland, 25-27 June 2023, the IALLJ held a session as an IALLJ-roundtable, entitled “Conversational reflections on (comparative) labour law scholarship”. As the IALLJ aims to bring together editors of leading journals in the field of labour law around the world, this ‘roundtable’ session, used a ‘Q&A’-method instead of classic paper presentations. The aim was to see what is going on in our scholarship. We mainly focused on the role of ‘comparativism’, with the aim to collect our current thoughts and experiences on comparativism in labour law as we see it in the scholarship that we publish in our journals.
IALLJ Napoli seminar, 5 may 2023
The Italian IALLJ-member journals organised an international seminar on Best Practices in Comparative Labour Law at the Department of Law of the University of Naples Federico II, on 5 May 2023.
IALLJ Lisbon seminar, 5-7 May 2021
The International Association of Labour Law Journals organized a seminar entitled “Regulating working conditions in MNEs during and after the pandemic” to discuss selected abstracts along the forthcoming XIII European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, Lisbon, 5-7 May 2021.
IALLJ Leuven seminar, 2 September 2020
The IALLJ, in cooperation with the European Labour Law Journal, organized and (online) seminar, entitled: “The labour Law Green Deal: From Covid-19 to Climate Change”, on 2 September 2020.
The IALLJ (International Association of Labour Law Journals) planned this seminar on “climate change and labour law” during the (now postponed) Lisbon ISLSSL Conference of 2-4 September 2020. Climate change is another major and life-threatening issue for our globe. It is concerned with the need for drastic change. This subject was found to merit more attention in the academic labour law field. Labour lawyers have expressed many views on how to balance the fundamentals and goals of labour law with economic or labour market developments. But our scholarship remained, with some exceptions, rather modest (if not silent) on how labour law relates to global warming or climate change. Nevertheless, the discipline of labour law is very familiar with the concept of change. What climate change/global warming can bring for labour law was thus worth a new debate.