Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali

About the Journal
The Journal covers, in equal proportion, collective and individual employment law and policy, with a focus on industrial relations’ institutions and regulation processes at a national, international and comparative level. Its contents are divided into two parts: doctrinal articles and observatories. The first part usually consists of three sub-sections: research section, which collects articles related to a monographic issue; a so called “interventions” section, which collects general doctrinal articles; industrial relations and human resources managements section, which collects articles focused on IR and HRM. The second part usually comprises 4 sub-sections collecting notes and comments on developments related to: Italian case law; Italian statutory, administrative and collective bargaining regulations; EU labour related policies and case law; International and comparative labour law and industrial relations. All the notes and comments published in this second part of the Journal are backed by an online projection (Bollettino ADAPT and ADAPT A-Z Index) that collects the main documentation mentioned and analysed. The Journal seeks to stimulate dialogue between practitioners and the research community. Although its purposes are mainly scientific, the Journal is recognised to have a strong impact on practitioners too, especially on workers’ and employers’ representatives, given its focus on industrial relations.
ISSN: 2499-1910
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: Italian
Contact Information
Contact Editor
Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali
E mail: dri@unimore.it
Viale Berengario, 51 – 41100 Modena (Italy
Tel.: +39 059 2056742.
Publisher: Giuffrè
Publisher’s website: here.
Publisher’s Address: Via Busto Arsizio, 40 – 20151 Milano
Publisher’s e-mail: editoriale@giuffrè.it
Editorial Board
Managing Editor
- Michele Tiraboschi
- Tiziano Treu
- Mariella Magnani
Current/Past Issues
Information on current and past issues is available here online.