Russian Yearbook of Labour Law

About the Journal
Russian Yearbook of Labour Law is the largest in Russia periodical edition on labour and social security law that represents research materials of the leading Russian science schools experts and foreign experts. The main goals of the Yearbook are displaying the contemporary state and the perspectives of development of labour and social security law, lightening the actual problems of legislation and law practice in the sphere of labour and social security relations.
Every issue of the Yearbook contains articles on history and theory of labour law, law practice in labour relations, international, contemporary and foreign labour law. It also has the section on international, Russian and foreign social security law. In addition, the Yearbook carries reviews of monographic and academic books, commentary on thesis researches.
The edition is of interest to all who is concerned in labour and social security law.
ISSN: 2218-9483
Frequency: Annually
Language: Russian
First Year of Publication: 2005
Contact Information
- 199004, Russia,
Saint Petersburg, Vasilievsky island, 6th line, 11
Tel/Fax: +7 (812) 334-21-93
Tel: +7 (812) 329-28-23
Editorial Committee
Executive Secretary:
Editorial Board: | |