Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Abreits-und Sozialrecht

About the Journal
The periodical for foreign and international labour and social law (ZIAS) is edited by the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relationships in the European Community in collaboration with the with the Max Planck Institute for foreign and international social law in Munich. Since 1987, the periodical appears every quarter of a year by the publishing company C.F. Müller in Heidelberg.
In the ZIAS, treatises about the different structures of the law system – not only in European countries- are to be found. The national as well as the international authors inform about literature, jurisprudence, legislation in the sector of labour and social law. So, the ZIAS contributes to the comparison of different law systems.
In addition to the part of reviews, each piece contains a broad documentation of German publications about foreign and international labour and social law.
The ZIAS is a member in the International Association of Labour Law Journals, who has set itself the target, to facilitate research and science in the area of labour law. For that reason, in the International Association of Labour Law Journals, there are to be found the papers specialized on labour law.
ISSN: 0930-861X
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: German
First Year of Publication: 1987
Contact Information
Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Rolf Birk
Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (IAAEG)
Universität Trier
Campus II
54286 Trier
Tel: 0049-651-201-4750
Fax: 0049-651-201-4752
E‑mail: birk@iaaeg.de
Current/Past Issues
The total list of ZIAS from 2002 can be found on the pages of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law and other information about the terms and conditions on the sides of the publishing house CF Müller.
Domestic: EUR 241.00 (incl. postage)
Abroad: 245,00 EUR (incl. postage)
Reduced price: 129,00 EUR (incl. postage) – (for students, pupils and trainees on a valid certificate)
Single Issue: 56,00 EUR (plus shipping)
Einbanddecke: 10,00 EUR
Binding Ceiling: 10.00 EUR